As you may have noticed, we have undergone a transformation recently. Not only has our home page seen a makeover, but our entire platform has been through a major architectural overhaul. This was deemed necessary for a couple reasons; customer feedback and growing pains. We work hard to ensure our product is as efficient and friendly as possible and your feedback has proven invaluable to us. The redesign provides more breathing room by utilizing 100% of available screen space. Navigation has been simplified by consolidating what used to be separate edit and details pages, and task sections have been reorganized to provide access with a single click. This is just the initial roll-out and we've got a few more surprises coming in the next months. Our server side also saw some changes to better accommodate growing data and bandwidth requirements. You'll notice the platform URL has changed reflecting our migration to a distributed service model. This helps prevent congestion which in turn helps to ensure performance of both the management website and your player hardware. Another bonus of our work on the server side is the coming availability of a publicly accessible API. This will allow 3rd party integration of our services opening up some really interesting opportunities for anyone willing to write some code. We hope you find these changes beneficial and as always we'd love to hear what you think, good or bad!