We're excited to announce new integration with Google Gadgets! For those not familiar, a gadget is essentially a mini webpage providing a wide range of dynamic content. Google's gadget directory is a listing of literally thousands of gadgets which can be integrated seamlessly into your digital signage. Plus, not only can you utilize any existing gadgets, but those of you with a background in web development can create your own.
We've provided a quick howto to help you get started here: http://support.reveldigital.com/kb/advanced-topics/google-gadgets-howto
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We are excited to announce the release of a brand new Revel Digital player app for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP). This app is compati...
We've recently added a new menu gadget to improve on the style and menu specific functionality of our existing spreadsheet gadget. As wi...
Slack is a fantastic tool for communications and is widely used in the corporate space to maintain up-to-date messaging across teams or...