The primary objective of the kiosk is to assist people in finding local establishments. Secondary objectives include a listing of upcoming events and also to provide a section dedicated to featured vendors with the ability to print coupons for each. Since the people at MDI and NPA were already familiar with Google Docs it was decided to leverage both Google Spreadsheets and Google Calendar to provide the data entry and management. This provided an easy way to manage the kiosk data and was already a familiar tool with the staff.
Our job at RevelDigital was to take these requirements and craft a solution that was easy to deploy and manage. It's important to note that anyone with technical know-how could accomplish the same thing as we did in-house. No special software was used for this project other than the stock RevelDigital player and printer drivers.
Kiosk users can search for local establishments by category by selecting from the top row of buttons. A list is provided on the side which they can then select to bring up a Google map providing current location and selected vendor location. A QR code is displayed which can be scanned to provide the vendor website.
When users select the Featured Advertisers they are presented with a number of coupons. Clicking a coupon provides a map of the vendor location as well as the option to print the coupon. Printing is handled with custom scripting in the RevelDigital template and required no special programming on the machine itself. Click here for more information on our template designer.
A few other notable features provided by the RevelDigital platform is the ability to track and report on coupons printed, coupon management utilizing standard playlists, and real-time kiosk health monitoring including screen capture. This was a fun project which exemplifies great use of the platform.